Bruce August Jr: beloved director of MC in memoriam

Students and coworkers left notes on August’s office door to celebrate his legacy. Photo by Jack Sierputowski | Mercury Staff





A leader, a mentor and a friend, Bruce August Jr. was a pillar in the UTD community for cultural representation and school spirit.

The director for the Multicultural Center, founding president of the Black Faculty and Staff Alliance, a former director for the Texas Association of Black Personnel in Higher Education Board, a District 4 Representative for the UTD Staff, a fraternity alumnus from the Alpha Phi Alpha chapter Tau Xi Alphas, a 2007 UTD computer science alumnus, the sponsor of the African Student Union and a strong supporter of the All of Us Research Program, August’s work touched the lives of thousands at UTD.

Yvette Pearson, vice president for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, made a statement to The Mercury on behalf of ODEI. Pearson’s solemn testimony on August’s character and legacy echoed the unprecedented separate addresses UTD President Richard Benson and the Student Organization Center made in the days following his passing on April 9.

“I had the honor of working with Bruce for just over a year and a half,” Pearson said. “In that short time, I not only witnessed, but also experienced, the profound impact he had throughout UTD and our broader community. Bruce’s compassion, wisdom, integrity and faith were always evident; he lived his values every day. Bruce had just the right words for every situation. He constantly expressed love and appreciation to all of us. He was a servant leader who was a bright light in this world; there will never be another like him.”

In an email to Comets, Alexis Yi, coordinator of Student Organizations, said that post-it notes and markers are available in the Multicultural Center for students who would like to leave a note commemorating August and thoughts on his legacy.

“He has been a pillar of Comet pride and mentorship on this campus for more than a decade, and his legacy will live on in all those whose lives he touched,” Yi said.

August’s life will be celebrated by loved ones on April 19 at the One Community Church in Plano, Texas. A viewing will be held at 10 a.m. and his funeral will begin after 11 a.m. A full service will be held on April 21 at the Avenue L Baptist Church in Galveston, Texas, where he will be buried at Lakeview Cemetery.

“The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion extends our deepest condolences to Bruce’s family, friends and other loved ones, and we join them in grieving the loss of the wonderful man who exemplified what it means to be a Christian, a Comet, a leader and a friend,” Pearson said. “His legacy and his light will forever be with us.”





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