Auxiliary Services holds bike sale

Auxiliary Services sells items to the public three times year: a furniture sale in September and January, as well as a bike sale, which was organized for the first time ever this year on Nov. 19 at the surplus warehouse. The event was open to students, faculty and staff.

“It is labor-intensive for us to set up, so it’s difficult. But, it’s certainly worth it to the students, staff and faculty,” said Assistant Vice President of Auxiliary Services Bob Fishbein.

UTD Police hands over any abandoned bikes collected at the end of the school year to Auxiliary Services. The police continue to put out notices on social networking websites for 60 days for students to claim their bikes.

The bikes are cleaned up and priced according to how they would be priced at state auctions. Prices ranged from $20-60, and 250 bicycles were featured.

Other items sold by the department include old PCs, chairs, couches and scientific equipment from labs. Many items lie around the surplus warehouse.

Students stood beside the bikes they hoped to buy 15 minutes before the sale officially started at 11 a.m., and all bikes were sold before the sale ended at 1 p.m.

“Since it was so successful, we’ll do the bike sale again next year,” Fishbein said. “I’m very proud of it.”

-Samya Isa and Faraha Hasan

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