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Men’s basketball coach reflects on successful season

With the men’s basketball season off to a close, Coach Terry Butterfield reflected on the past year. The Comets wrapped up the 2022–2023...


Women defend home court on homecoming

After a striking victory against Concordia, the Comets returned to the Activity Center to dominate the Feb. 16 and Feb. 18 homecoming games....


Best friends depart from ball life

The Comets celebrated a successful season and paid homage to seniors at the Homecoming game on Saturday, Feb. 18. This senior bunch includes...


Comet Men burn out again to ETBU in ASC championship home stretch

Fresh off a homecoming loss against East Texas Baptist, the Comets faced defeat at the hands of the Tigers at the semifinals, ending...


Comets face international masters at ChessFest

UTD students competed in a chess simultaneous exhibition on Feb. 20 in the SU against two international masters. A simultaneous exhibition, or simul,...


Varsity VALORANT team prepares for NECC bracket

After losing at the semifinals of the Red Bull Campus Clutch event last semester, UTD’s varsity VALORANT team plans to work together and...


Queens of the basketball court commemorated at homecoming game

An audience of over 680 fans gave seniors Jordan Maxwell, Maddie Edler, Diane Hurst and Lauren Fulenwider a standing ovation in their final...


Women’s tennis team crushes Crusaders, sweeps court in early season games

The UTD women’s tennis team started the 2023 season strong with a win against the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor Crusaders on Feb. 11...

Life & Arts

‘The Menu’ bites off more than it can chew

Biting, poignant and funny, “The Menu” is a unique thriller that attempts to serve a full course meal of entertainment with a critique...

DramatiqueLife & Arts

Dramatique: revenge has never been so sweet

Don’t start reading “Marry My Husband” before midterms, or those class notes will be set aside for this addicting webtoon. Though it is...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.