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Life & Arts

PHANTOMs mesmerizes with ephemeral performance

The ethereal realm of PHANTOMs, where reality and performance intertwine, leaves audiences questioning the nature of their own beliefs and perceptions. Art and...


The Mercury faces over $8,500 fee

At 4:30 a.m. May 1, student organizers created the “Gaza Liberation Plaza” encampment to protest UTD’s policy toward Palestine. Less than twelve hours...


Editor’s Desk: critical journalism

In its 44 years of publication, The Mercury has typically focused on hyper-local journalism: things which affect the UTD community and local DFW...


Opinion: ‘Inside Out 2’ delves into your deepest anxieties through film

Struggling with confidence and the crushing feeling of “I’m not good enough” is an all-too-common adolescent experience, perfectly portrayed and overcome in Pixar’s...


Editorial: Investigative journalism at stake — support The Mercury

UPDATE: As of July 22, The Mercury has raised $3,015 — enough to cover the $2,905 fee for reviewing the public records we...


DII: Coming to fields near you

UTD will begin competing in the NCAA Division II Lone Star Conference this fall semester after 26 years in the Division III American...


Despite administration’s silence, community supports 21 arrested at ‘Gaza Liberation Plaza’

In a historic first, UTD administration called in law enforcement with riot gear to destroy the “Gaza Liberation Plaza” encampment while arresting 21...


Editorial: Meet the admin

State troopers slammed our own students and faculty into the ground, aiming to destroy not just their encampment but their spirit. The administration’s...


Email us at editor@utdmercury.com with your name, major, year, and area of interest.

The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.