4274 Articles473 Comments
Life & Arts

La Llorona shares her sorrowful tale on campus

Piercing cries of pain overcome the steady murmur of a river as La Llorona wanders hopelessly in search of the children she drowned;...


In the wake of death

In the past few weeks, you have probably heard about the deaths of fellow students and grappled with the shock at losing classmates...


Student Government: stop hiding from students

Over half of SG’s senators ignored their promise of transparency to students when they hid away to discuss a high-stakes resolution at a...


Films should respect naked bodies, not stigmatize them

Hollywood blockbusters suggest nudity can only exist to invoke a sense of sexuality or for shock value, and given how affected we are...


Riccio: playing with fire

Between iWeek, Biryani Night and Lunar New Year, UTD is well-acquainted with beautiful and thoughtful events highlighting diverse traditions. Unfortunately, not every cultural...


Foundational physics in a fridge

In the underground floor of the Bioengineering and Sciences building sits the Quantum Transport Lab. Although it might not delve into teleportation, its...


UTD Alumnus creates ChatGPT-powered language learning app

As language learning tools flood the digital landscape, Lingua Link emerges to fill in the gaps left by Duolingo and similar apps, using...


Who’s who in the SG Exec Race?

SPIRIT TICKET: Business administration junior Shashank Yalamanchi is running for Student Government President under the SPIRIT ticket. Currently the vice president of Chi...


Pub demolished

Demolition of the Pub’s exterior structure began on March 14. Admin has said demolition on the Pub and the Green Center will continue...


UTD transfer students beat out state graduation averages

Forty-five percent of Texas transfer students graduate within six years, according to the Texas Tribune. As UTD has a six-year transfer graduation rate...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.