Despite poorly developed characters and a lack of plot, Kyle Edward Ball’s indie horror flick “Skinamarink” creates one of the most unnerving experiences...
Before Valentine’s Day, learn the do’s and don’ts of the first stages of courtship from “Single’s Inferno,” the hit Korean reality dating show...
The Oscar nominations brought both bountiful wins for movie lovers and despicable snubs of amazing performers like Mia Goth. Amongst big names, one...
The group Hindu Yuva at UTD celebrated Makar Sankranti at the DFW Hindu Temple on Jan. 15 to commemorate the start of a...
Just 10 minutes from campus lies the family-owned Tre Stelle Coffee Co., a hidden gem of a coffee shop. With its diverse menu...
With a perfect blend between rock, punk and pop, Dallas-based indie band Chancy has been hitting all the right notes since 2017. With...
Ukrainians have suffered greatly at the hands of Russians, in part due to the international community’s insufficient response to Russian imperialism. I wear...
The new automated fast food workflow is a dangerous sign of corporate greed amidst a cost-of-living crisis. Working people and college students alike...