When imagining the winter weather, thoughts of snowball fights, heavy layers of clothing and a steady flurry of snow come to mind. And while a winter storm moved into North Texas on Jan. 14, UTD didn’t quite receive a winter wonderland as snow only lightly covered some areas of campus and largely melted as the afternoon sun made an appearance. Dying grass peeked out from under the frost as students braved the cold to visit campus landmarks, like the frozen reflecting pools and the snow-covered Jack Kilby statue. Comets also made their own mark in the snow, leaving footprints or drawing designs and words in the slush throughout campus. Because of the snow flurries and inclement weather, the first day of classes on Jan. 16 was canceled to the delight of many Comets, giving them time to watch the remaining ice and frost melt before the start of spring semester.
All photos by Surjaditya Sarkar | Mercury Staff