The best way to stay updated with campus news and activities is to be engaged with social media. Here are some of the best UTD accounts to connect with!

UTD Official Instagram
The main social media account associated with UTD, @ut_dallas on Instagram, is an official account that posts important news and campus highlights.

UTD Mercury
Follow @utdmercury on Instagram to get the story! This is an especially good account to follow if you would rather get your news digitally than grab a newspaper.

Temoc Official Account
@official_temoc is the main account of our beloved UTD mascot. Make sure to give our shining Comet a follow so you can support campus pride.

UTD Bruh Moments
@utdbruhmoments on Instagram is a must-follow if you want to see all the crazy, unusual and hilarious things that happen on our eventful campus. Submissions are always open, so if something out of the ordinary happens to you, be sure to submit it through DMs so we can all join in on the laughter!

Comets Can’t Park
Well, the name says it all. @cometscantpark on Instagram is a fun follow if you want to witness the horrors of the UTD parking lots. Just make sure you don’t end up on there yourself!

UTD Dining and UTD Housing
These are more practical yet important follows. Through @utdallashousing and @utdallasdining on Instagram, you can stay up to date on building updates, early closings and maintenance announcements.

Office of Student Volunteerism
Whether you’re looking to get some required volunteer hours for your degree or just want to be involved with the community, @volunteer_utd is a great way to get updates on opportunities!
UTD Discord
The official UTD Discord,, is not only a great place to stay up to date with events and organizations, but also meet other Comets with similar interests as you. Through the UTD student hub on Discord, you can also find other servers connecting to your interests or even classes!
UTD Subreddit
Despite its eccentric characters, r/utdallas is still a good place to ask your questions related to classes, campus and more. The occasional meme or two pops up here as well.

The UT Dallas App is one you should install if you are looking for easy access to the campus map, which you’ll need your first week of classes. You can also make public posts, view your class schedule and preview upcoming events!