‘They are just kids!’ 

Art history professor Ali Alibhai speaks on his violent May 1 arrest after standing between student protesters and police

Anika Sultana | Mercury Staff

Assistant professor of art history Ali Alibhai rushed to protect student protesters from what he saw as a militarized police force armed with weapons and willing to harm the protesters gathered at the encampment on May 1. His efforts to de-escalate and protect students were quickly quashed as police attacked, arrested and later chained him. 

Alibhai’s first and last interaction with the encampment was at 4:00 p.m. After finishing up the final day of his graduate art history class at 3:54 p.m., Alibhai exited the ATEC building and was soon surrounded by the chants of students as he walked around the Chess Plaza. Alibhai said he heard demonstrators start chanting, “There is no riot here! Why are you in riot gear?” The sounds from law enforcement — the banging of batons against shields, the whirring of a helicopter and the thudding of heavy boots — overwhelmed him as he noticed a sea of heavily-armed officers marching toward the students. The attire of law enforcement reminded Alibhai of fascist soldiers during World War II.  

“When you are a professor, you become very protective of your students,” Alibhai said.  “I want my students to succeed; I certainly don’t want them to get shot on campus, and this was the idea that was going through my head. These officers are ready for violence — they were dressed up in their black and brown shirts, and it looked like a scene from the 1940s brought to campus.” 

Alibhai stood adjacent to the SSB between the student protesters and the encroaching law enforcement. Five officers immediately piled onto Alibhai as a wall of police separated him from the crowd. The last thing he saw, as officers assaulted him and attempted to flip him onto the ground, was his phone screensaver which was a photo of his daughter. A police officer hit Fox 4 reporter Blake Hanson’s camera with bolt cutters as Hanson filmed Alibhai’s arrest. Alibhai, like others arrested at the encampment, was publicly chained and escorted into a police van, where detainees spent over 30 minutes in the hot unventilated vehicle. Detainees would not be told on what ground they were arrested until they arrived at Collin County Jail, approximately two hours after the initial arrest.  

“I thought to myself that I need to get between the soldiers and the students to try and deescalate this,” Alibhai said. “But they kept on coming towards me. It was just me in the center and I remember yelling: ‘They’re just kids! They’re just kids! What are you doing! They’re kids! You can’t do this!’” 

Alibhai said that at Collin County Jail, the detainees were treated wildly differently based on which law enforcement officer they interacted with and that the facility was designed to be inhospitable. Alibhai said the only clock visible to detainees was broken, bathroom use was restricted and urine covered the floors and detainees were kept dehydrated throughout the entire booking process. Some officers showed compassion, Alibhai said, one female officer offered head coverings to female Muslim detainees whose hijabs were removed upon arrest. While being checked into jail, all 21 detainees had to provide personal information like their gender, race and religion.  

“The funny thing is that in the official records they gave us afterwards, we were all identified as Middle Eastern despite what we had filled out earlier,” Alibhai said. “Since I come from a South Asian background, I had ticked Asian on the form, so the misidentification was a surprise.” 

Male and female detainees were separated after checking in. Alibhai said the male detainees bonded with other inmates and engaged in academic and interpersonal conversations with many of the other inmates. One inmate in particular stood out to Alibhai: a former University of North Texas anthropology student who studied the Mandé people of West Africa. In the summer of 2020 Alibhai taught AHST 6321: Africa and the Frontiers of Islam and Byzantium, which went into depth about the Mandé people, and he and the inmate were able to bond over this academic subject. Alibhai said he and the students encouraged the inmate to reconnect with his interest in anthropology because of how passionate he was, offering to help him with his goal once they were released. The inmate spoke about his experiences being stuck in the U.S. prison system from minor drug offenses, and how the prison system is designed to keep people trapped inside of it so prisons can profit. 

“A student came up to me while we were jailed and said, ‘Isn’t it wonderful being here and getting to bond with everyone here? You are in a place where you are stripped of every human dignity, and yet you still find the most beautiful parts of humanity here,’” Alibhai said. “And I thought that was the lesson of the night. The students were funny and kept all of the inmates positive while sharing their academic interests with everyone.” 

Alibhai said that experiencing jail firsthand and speaking to other inmates who have repeatedly been through the prison system emphasized how unequally justice is served in the U.S. Alibhai has not received a clear message from administration regarding May 1 as of the publication of this article. Alibhai said that if he is able to continue working at UTD, he would like to start a program where humanities professors go to local jails and prisons and give lectures on their fields of expertise. Alibhai said that students shouldn’t let the violence of May 1 overshadow their voices when they speak up for the people of Palestine. 

“None of this would have happened if they hadn’t militarized our campus,” Alibhai said. “Our students are peaceful, and they have been peacefully protesting for the last seven months … Students live in a world where everything is at your fingertips, and every day you see the tragic images, day in and out, coming out of Gaza. What is more disruptive to a campus, a couple of tents, water and reading and study sessions, or the violent university response to it?” 

  • Thank you Dr. Alibhai – you are a credit to a university that does not support, protect, and care for its students. Shame on President Benson and UTD admin for creating an environment where professors must put themselves in harm’s way to protect their students.

    • The charges against Dr Alibhai need to be dropped immediately. Is this how those fighting to protect students deserve to be treated? The video footage is clear.

      Dr Alibhai is one of the most dedicated professors I have had the pleasure of knowing and he has proved this inside and outside of the classroom.

      Not only should local and state government and UTD admins drop all charges against Dr Alibhai, they should award him for his vigilance in upholding his civic duty.

  • Thank you for sharing your story. It provides a significant awakening beyond the videos and images we see on news networks. We hope you are back home safely, and we pray for the liberation of the Palestinian people.

  • It’s impossible to believe they would not drop the charges against you! You were only trying to protect your students!

  • This is quite upsetting, what is the world coming to? A man trying to protect kids, rare these days, but unfortunate to see he is being criminalized for it.

  • Why wouldn’t they drop the charges against a Professor protecting his students? This doesn’t seem right.

  • Why are we arresting teachers protecting their students? This is not right. This kind of thing has to stop. Look at the bigger picture.

  • As a professor, I will stand between my students and anyone coming to harm them. I began teaching in Texas when school shootings in the US were not uncommon, and one thing people don’t understand is we educators will protect our students no matter what. And THAT is what makes us educators. This man did the right thing

  • What kind of school is UT Dallas? I can’t believe any school would claim being a “University” much less a proper place of learning without allowing students to protest freely, especially when they are protesting a genocide? I wonder if the school’s response has to do with the race and religious background of the students? UT Dallas has allowed provocateurs who don’t go to their school on campus many times, some of them even talking about guns and the 2nd amendment. So why was the 1st amendment right of the students jeopardized with so much military force? What kind of racist school is this?

    And the professor, God bless him. I hope he gets a medal of honor.

  • The US and UT Dallas seem to be okay with hurting children. In fact, they actively enable harming them here with extreme force and militarized police, and In Palestine with their indiscriminate bombs. At least one person was willing to stand up and say ‘they’re just kids!’

  • Dr. Alibhai would lay down his life for his students. I knew immediately he would be there. Such a passionate scholar and human who truly cares about protecting our precious community. UTD is lucky to have him. We should be ashamed of our university’s response. Their silence hurts just as much as the violence they brought into our campus, our home. It will never be the same. I feel so betrayed.

  • The university’s actions on May 1, leading to the arrest and mistreatment of Professor Ali Alibhai and students, are très mal and unacceptable. Universities should be places of free speech, peaceful protests, and respectful discussions. The aggressive behavior of the police not only puts students and teachers in danger but also goes against the values of education.

    Professor Alibhai’s efforts to calm things down and protect his students show his bravery and dedication, which should be admired, not punished. His arrest and the poor treatment of those detained raise serious questions about the university’s commitment to العدالة and the safety of its community.

    The university needs to act rapidement to fix this situation. There should be a full investigation, and those responsible for these actions must be held accountable. The university must also promise to protect the rights of students and teachers to protest peacefully. Encouraging open dialogue and activism is essential for the growth and learning of everyone at the الجامعة.

  • Watching the behaviour of universities, like UT Dallas, from the other side of the pond has been disheartening and shocking. This professor should be commended for his actions, which was without agenda. Punished for being humane.

  • This is such a disgusting behavior from school and law enforcement. I am proud of Dr. Alibhai to take a stand and do what was right. I feel like this is just pure racism and Islamophobic behavior from college. These charges should be immediately removed and an apology should be issued to Dr. Alibhai

  • Ali Alibhai’s actions are nothing less than inspirational.Justice should prevail and his name cleared. Can’t believe this happens in US ! Shocking!

  • We are deeply saddened and concerned by the recent events that have led to your violent arrest. It is heart-wrenching to see a dedicated teacher, who has consistently put the well-being and safety of their students first, face such harsh treatment.

    Your courage and unwavering commitment to protect us exemplify the true spirit of an educator. It is incredibly disheartening that instead of being celebrated for your bravery, you are subjected to such injustice. This incident has made me question the values and principles that are supposed to define our nation. Is this really the so-called USA, where those who stand up for what is right are punished so severely?

    Please know that your actions have not gone unnoticed. Your students, and many others, stand with you in solidarity. We believe in you, and we will continue to fight for the justice you deserve. Your dedication and sacrifice have left an indelible mark on all of us, and we are forever grateful.

    With deep respect and support,
    Mrs Mustafa

  • This is what the education system has come to. Crushing free speech using the full might of Government to those who have been taught critical thinking.

  • Police in riot gear have no place on a campus of with peaceful protests. Prof. Alibhai is doing what an educator and academic is expected to and aspire to do, protect their students and speak out against injustice.

  • Charges against Dr. Alibhai should definitely be dropped and his name cleared. The police should have been there to allow the students to safely and peacefully protest and to express their free voices. Instead they have done the opposite, at UTD and most other university campuses.
    The violence and brutality of the police who come out beating and arresting peaceful student protestors should be condemned! It’s like the Vietnam war protests all over again, with students standing up for what is just, right and moral, a ceasefire and peace, versus these ugly systems which uphold war, genocide, weapons industries, racism, white supremacy, land grabbing, and destruction of humanity and the planet. What a scourge!
    After all, they did kill Dr. Martin Luther King for speaking out against the Vietnam War and being one of the few voices of morality against a war that was wrong. It goes to show, no matter when or where, across history, those who stand up for what is right and good and moral are few and those who side with or are complacent about what is wrong and immoral are many, but the arc will always bend in favor of those who do right and against those who do wrong.

  • Dr. Alibhai, you are a hypocrite. Why don’t you protest again Sydna and His goons for butchering Islam. Syedna is no Ali as, but a thug and a rascal. Clean your house before you clean others.
    Aftab Fidaali

  • What a lousy professor, calling adult students “kids” and trying to teach them that there are no consequences for breaking the law. I guess he has a childish mind himself.

  • As someone from Cali I see people like professor alibhai and I have hope that humanity has a future. There should be more people like him. UTD should be ashamed of what they did but be proud to have a faculty member like professor alibhai on campus

  • Scholasticide and repression of free speech is the opposite of what a university run of citizen dollars should teach. Punitive measures of violence and criminal charges against its own student and faculty will result in lower donations , a reduction in applicants, and a drop in the university’s academic integrity.

    It’s amazing that more class action lawsuits aren’t taken against these institutions. If not in the court of law, then at least in the court of public opinion these moves will be a death trap for universities already struggling to fight for their existence.

  • Dr Alibhai protected his students when it mattered the most. I hope the charges against you are dropped!!!

  • He is one of the few professors who did what they taught. He put into practice the reason why he was teaching and had the courage to face the violent police in these awful events. To give a greater context, he is one of UTD’s most esteemed art history professors. Other humanities professors teach Marxism, Postcolonial theory, etc., but they were silent during these events.
    Shouldn’t you full professors and admins with job security be at the forefront of the protests?
    I admire you, Professor Alibhai. Thank you for fighting for the people of Palestine and for freedom of speech.

  • Dr. Alibhai should be used as a model for all professors and educators across the US. Instead of punishing him, his two colleagues, and the multiple students who were arrested with him, UTD should be holding him up as a source of pride. Shame on UTD, gratitude for knowing Dr. Alibhai as a friend and colleague, and end the violence in Palestine now instead of bringing that spirit to our campuses.

  • Dr. Alibhai only did what any caring teacher or mentor would do for their students. The power holders at UTD should deeply ponder over who actually deserves to be reprimanded.
    It is very difficult to practice what you preach when the need arises. My family and I are proud of the courage Prof. Alibhai has shown in the face of adversity.
    I doff my hat to you!

    Peace for Palestine.
    Respect from India.

  • I am appalled by this. Shame on UT Dallas for subjecting its own students and faculty members to these kinds of atrocities. As a place of learning, UT Dallas needs to understand that creating a safe environment, where the community can stand up for issues of concern, should be its top priority!

  • These events are a stark reminder of the importance of protecting free speech. The decision to use a militarized police force against peaceful student protesters is deeply troubling and will have long-term negative effects on the University. Donors will be hesitant to support an institution that prioritizes force over dialogue. Parents will also think twice about sending their children to a campus where their safety could be compromised by such heavy-handed actions. The treatment of the protesters raises serious concerns about Islamophobia, which is unacceptable in any setting. Professor Alibhai’s actions to shield his students were commendable and reflect the true duty of an educator. The University should be a champion of free speech and student activism, and this incident shows a severe misalignment with those values.

  • Horrific to see this level of ignorance and repression at universities! Drop the charges now! This teacher was protecting his students! History will judge UT Dallas harshly.

  • The University’s reaction to the student protests represents a failure to support and nurture its community. Rather than responding with understanding and dialogue, the administration chose to suppress student voices with a militarized police force. This approach suggests a prioritization of order and control over fostering a dynamic and open academic environment.
    The incident also casts a shadow of Islamophobia, with specific actions targeting Muslim students, which is unacceptable.

  • As an alumna of UTD and a long-time donor, my heart aches with sorrow and disbelief at the recent events on campus. Seeing the University, which I have cherished and supported for years, treat its students with such brutal disregard is profoundly painful. I invested in UTD because I believed in its commitment to nurturing young minds and fostering a safe environment for free expression and intellectual growth. The images of militarized police confronting and arresting peaceful student protesters shatter that belief. It is beyond disheartening to think that my contributions have, in any way, supported an institution capable of such actions. My trust in UTD has been deeply shaken, and I feel a profound sense of betrayal. Our students deserve better—they deserve to feel safe, heard, and respected. The University must urgently reflect on its actions and realign with the values of compassion and freedom that should define its legacy.

  • The police must realize there are no grounds for these charges? Prof. Alibhai was not part of the protests and was arrested for…telling the police to respect their mandate? Even following through with charging him weakens any other (debatably) legitimate cases and exposes the prosecution to very obvious claims of political motivations. The police interventions are supposedly based on the need to protect the rule of law, so to blatantly disregard procedure in charging a voice of calm and reason only undermines the authority of (and respect for) law enforcement. Unconscionable.

  • Professor Ali Alibhai’s courageous actions to protect his students during the May 1 protest exemplify his dedication and bravery. His commitment to their safety, even at the risk of his own well-being, highlights his profound care and responsibility as an educator. This is unconscionable!

  • Crazy to me that institutions which charge so much tuition from students and their families- putting them in a lifetime of debt- turn around and have them beaten and jailed for practicing their constitutional right to freedom of expression. UTD enjoys the growth it has thanks in part to the tuition dollars of students like these- and the university and board would do well to remember this. I myself have at least 8 family members who graduated from UTD- I attended for a short time myself. I never expected the University to abuse kids and professors in this way.

  • Thankful for courageous professors like Professor Alibhai who practice what they preach and are true role models for the next generation! He is the type of academic leadership all higher education institutions need. Kudos to your example! Free Palestine!

  • This man is the true hero. Students were protected by this professor not by UTD. History will remember that. Shame on UTDallas.

  • This is exactly the kind of initiative and action we should expect of all professors – he genuinely cares for the students and their success, sacrificing his own for their sake. He tried to protect students from those who are meant to “serve and protect”. Professor Ali Alibhai is an example for us all to look to.

  • Mr.Alibhai did the courageous thing.We need a professor like him.He is an example.He tried to protect the students.We need a professor like him.All the charges should drop against him.We demand

  • What a brave professor ! Hard to find such courage these days , in a Zionist extremist controlled world !

  • I’ve known Dr. Alibhai from Harvard to MIT and he chose to move to Texas because he thought UDT was a good school. He is a hero, not a criminal. What is with this school, honestly? How do you arrest someone for protecting students?!?

  • Dr. Alibhai is a close friend of mine and a rare gem of a person who cares for his students and is not afraid to speak out against injustice. UTD should be proud to call him their own, not treat him like a criminal!

  • I have taken multiple classes with Dr. Alibhai, and he has been by far one of my favorite professors in my undergraduate experience. He is so extremely caring, he would buy us pizza almost every week because our classes were in the evening and concerned that this time ran into dinner time for students. He would always be engaged in the class and outside. Even in this situation Dr. Alibhai simply continued to show his care and concern for his students, and he completely unjustly got arrested for it.

  • The admin’s willingness to expose their students to state violence, and pile disciplinary action on top of it, all for their vocal opposition to a genocidal assault that the university is directly complicit in, will not be remembered fondly. I know professors Alibhai and Wright personally; they are kind, welcoming, principled scholars that I have learned a lot from. The two of them and Dr. Admiral have a great deal of courage in defending their students from the university’s cowardice.

  • It’s outrageous that UTD is closing blind eyes on unjust action against Dr. Alibhai. UTD is complicit in war crimes by suppressing students and professors free speech. Shame on UTD!

  • This man is a hero and the students truly inspiring. Our teachers face incredible hurdles and not paid nearly what they are worth. To see a teacher so dedicated to his students worldwide is shameful. God bless you and may God protect your students

  • Dr. Alibhai, Professor, Dad, Uncle, whatever you want to call this immaculate human being, One thing you can say for sure is he cares. He cares down the deepest core of his heart. Whether you are his daughter, nephew, student, or just a member of the community, he would not just not harm you, he would do everything in his power to protect you. That’s the kind of man Dr. Alibhai is. To think that’s just because he went out of his way, to protect students in his university he was arrested. It’s disgusting. People say make the world a better place, a safer place, here Dr. Alibhai is doing it and instead of being praised for it hes being punished. It’s just wrong wrong wrong.

  • It is truly disheartening to hear about the wrongful arrest of Professor Alibhai. As someone who has had the privilege of knowing him, I can attest to his kind-hearted nature and unwavering dedication to his students. Professor Alibhai has always gone above and beyond to ensure the well-being and success of those he teaches, consistently demonstrating compassion and empathy. It is inconceivable to think he would ever harm anyone; his actions have always been guided by a deep sense of responsibility and care for others. This unfortunate incident is a grave injustice, and I hope it is rectified swiftly. Professor Alibhai deserves recognition for his commitment to education and his students, not this unwarranted ordeal.

  • I am deeply saddened to hear about the wrongful arrest of Professor Alibhai. Known for his protective nature, he has always prioritized the safety and well-being of his students above all else. His actions on that day were driven by his instinct to safeguard the children under his care, reflecting his profound commitment to their protection. Professor Alibhai would never harm anyone; his gentle and caring demeanor has touched the lives of countless students. It is a tragic misjudgment to see such a dedicated and compassionate individual face such an unfair situation. I hope justice prevails quickly, and Professor Alibhai is rightfully acknowledged for his genuine concern for his students.

  • Dr.Alibhai, is no bystander and this is proof. That when he saw that his students were going to be harmed for their right to protest. He did what was necessary and stood up for them, I have the most amount of respect for him and seeing that he was Arrested for doing what is right makes me sick.

  • Thanks Professor Ali bhai for the account, Wow! they identified everyone as middle eastern, that itself speaks of their endless lies and misrepresentation about everything, and yet the world has seen the truth despite all their efforts.

  • Mr.Alibhai did the courageous thing.We need a professor like him.He is an example.He tried to protect the students.We need a professor like him. We demand to drop all the charges against him.

  • As a Dallas resident I can tell you that UT Dallas will try to tout its diversity to show that it’s a very welcoming campus in order to collect tuition dollars from local immigrant communities and their children. In reality, and what this article shows about how the school treats its own professors of color, is that it’s not diverse. The word that comes to mind, unfortunately, is racist.

  • I wholeheartedly support Assistant Professor Ali Alibhai for his brave and selfless actions in protecting student protesters. His decision to stand between the students and a heavily militarized police force exemplifies true courage and dedication to the well-being of his students. Alibhai’s vivid account of the police’s excessive force and the dehumanizing conditions faced by detainees underscores the urgent need for accountability and reform in how law enforcement interacts with peaceful demonstrators. His proposal to bring humanities education to prisons is a powerful testament to his commitment to justice and education, even in the face of adversity. Such educators who not only teach but also protect and advocate for their students are invaluable to our academic institutions and society at large. We must ensure that voices like Alibhai’s are heard and supported, as they remind us of the profound impact of solidarity and education in the fight against injustice.

  • Dr Alibhai’s actions are nothing short of courageous. It is absolutely outrageous that there is riot gear at these peaceful rallies and kids are being arrested and detained for simply exercising their right to civil disobedience on campus. He’s an inspiration to us all

  • Dr. Alibhai’s actions are heroic and a powerful testament to his commitment to education, justice, and academic freedom. As a former student of his, I can attest to his brilliant classes, his commitment to all students, and to his steadfast belief in bringing to life Islamic art and architectural history. UTD’s decision to first call militarised police on its own student and faculty body, and later the administration’s silence on the matter, is disheartening to say the least. Dr. Alibhai is an exemplar of a professor and an inspiration to all of his students!

  • We live in a time where it seems the police has become the enemy not the protection. Thanks for trying to protect the students and for standing on the right side of history

  • I commend Dr. Alibhai on his courage and compassion. The police officers were clearly not responding to actual events on the ground but rather following the orders of their political superiors who clearly are beholden to a different agenda and moneyed interests. And I agree with the comments about the inhumane treatment in prisons, the unequal treatment of minorities and how the prison ecosystem benefits from people being in prisons longer, having been wrongly imprisoned myself

  • This is tragic and reprehensible behavior on part of the University.
    What happen to our establishment of the first amendment.
    Universities should allow our freedom of speech.

  • Thank you for protecting your students, for acting when action was needed and for using your voice when those in authority tried to take it away. Proud to see you on the frontlines.

  • UTD should be ashamed of this excessive police response and the treatment of their faculty and staff.

  • The university should drop the charges against Dr. Alibhai. If they don’t, the university is just showing that fairness and justice doesn’t matter to them.

    We need to reconsider the UTD and UT university system as a place to obtain higher education. They don’t seem interested in walking the talk, promoting thinkers, courage to stand up for injustice. Yes — everyone must be respectful of each other — that’s a given. But the actions taken by the university make it easy to see through their empty words.

  • Charges need to be dropped and this man instead needs to be viewed as a hero. We are blessed to have people like him in this world.

  • This is crazy ridiculous that a US citizen was arrested for exercising his freedom of speech and freedom of assembly

  • As a parent sending kids to college, this is what we would look for: teachers that really really care about our kids’ well-being, that would step in harms way to protect their students. Not only should all charges be dropped, a light should be shone on his courageous behavior. A true brave teacher, accepting a higher calling to protect their students, even at great personal cost. With so many predatory and apathetic teachers out there, seeing this is a real inspiration and ray of hope. Someone who truly cares about the young people they are charged to teach.

  • You are an inspiration to many. Thank you for standing up to the bullies and protecting your students.

  • UTD rhymes with White supremacy……

    When it smells like it, looks like it, acts like it, then most likely ………………

  • It is a teachers duty to protect their students from violence. Dr. Alibhai was doing what any caring teacher would do.

  • Unfortunately, these remarks are widely misguided to say the least. There is a difference between one of the professors who “chose” to be arrested for his “conscience” — I believe he was Mr. Wright — and others who were themselves protestor, supporter, and encamped patron so to speak. At least it is good to keep things honest. You stood for what you believed, supported, and encouraged Mr. Alibhai. You had time to disperse and continue your “protests” without police intervention and actual “trespassing” which is against the law!

  • Thank you for standing up for your students! I admire faculty that fight for their students and their safety! You are a hero

  • I had Dr. Alibhai for a professor and he was so kind and student-centered. Breaks my heart to see my university punish him in this unnecessary way.

  • I humbly ask the University and community to support Dr. Alibhai and his noble actions to protect students from undue harm. Please coordinate with the county to see that all charges are dropped and ensure his reputation as an outstanding professor is held up high.

  • The university’s response to this is despicable but not surprising. We demand accountability, period.

  • Thank you Dr. Alibhai for your efforts to protect your students. You are exactly the kind of compassionate, motivated, and inspired Professor that universities need, especially at a time like this. If UTD administration stands in your way to continue teaching your students, it is clear that administration does not have the best interest of their student body as a top priority.

  • Dr. Alibhai did and continues to do what so many cannot or will not. We need more people like him. One who will protect his students and stand up to injustice. I am so grateful to know him and his brave and genuinely good-hearted character

  • An educator who puts himself in harms way for the sake of his or her students is nothing short of a hero.
    We need more like you, and your institution should be proud of you.

  • Why wasn’t Richard Dickie Benson on campus helping students? Oh yeah, he might have been sifting through Nazi Memorabilia and reading Mein Kempf with his buddy, while all of this was unfolding. And how convenient to blame the brown guy. Jim Crow era lives!

  • What kind of school is this? I sent my daughter there, but will definitely not be sending my other children. A school that disrespects its teachers and chains them up can’t be a school worth giving money to.

  • I personally know this professor and how committed he is to his students and the university. It’s a shame how they chose to treat him. If there was ever truth for being on the wrong side of history…. UT Dallas wins the prize.

  • Apart from his bravery, Dr. Alibhai is one of the kindest, smartest, and most soft spoken people i know.

    Its a shame that the world, and especially the “mighty USA” has come down to such injustice.

    Where are all the morals? Where are all lessons of humanity? What kind of message is the school trying to send to the world? Where is freedom of speech?

    If the university can’t protect its faculty, how is it going to protect its students?

  • Rather than being an example of a liberal democracy where voices are heard, UT Dallas has aligned itself with the very forces that commit genocide and condemn innocent women and children to the gallows of deatth in Gaza. What hope can students have in an institute of learning that not only discourages, but violently responds to students who are propelled by their humanity to speak out against inhumane atrocities? UT Dallas’ response is nothing short of authoritarianism.

  • As a doctoral graduate student specializing in Educational Leadership, I approached Dr. Ali to join my committee. His enthusiastic endorsement of his alma mater sparked my interest in pursuing a graduate degree in history there. However, witnessing the university’s treatment of educators and the unfolding events has prompted me to reassess my considerations for applying to such an institution.

    The blatant disregard for educators’ well-being and the absence of empathy and recognition of our rights as citizens raise concerns about the future of our educational landscape. Our nation’s foundation rests upon the principles of advocating against injustices and ensuring representation for all. It is regrettable that the university seems to overlook these fundamental values.

  • Since when did protecting your own students become a crime? Instead of punishing Dr. Alibhai you should be rewarding him for his actions.

    • Dr.Alibhai is one of the kindest people I have come across. What he did for his students is exactly how he would act. Putting his students needs before his own.
      All charges should immediately be dropped, because they are not justified in any shape or form.

  • This is ridiculous! A professor standing up for students is remarkable and should not be punished in this way. The students have a right to free speech and he was only protecting that right. How brave of him!

  • Dr. Alibhai is an outstanding professor, and he should not be penalized for protecting his students. In fact UTD admin should be punished for putting students in harms way by militarizing a peaceful protest. We ask high school, middle school, and elementary teachers each day to protect their students from gun violence but now you are attacking Dr. Alibhai for protecting his students from the same. Dr. Alibhai shouldn’t be faced with any consequences, and should be able to continue working at UTD. More people should be like him.

  • Someone protecting students from harm should never be punished. These charges need to be dropped immediately

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