Erin Gutschke


Editor’s Desk: critical journalism

In its 44 years of publication, The Mercury has typically focused on hyper-local journalism: things which affect the UTD community and local DFW...


Editorial: Meet the admin

State troopers slammed our own students and faculty into the ground, aiming to destroy not just their encampment but their spirit. The administration’s...

Life & Arts

‘Inspiring,’ ‘resilient,’ ‘compassionate’: Sarah Hurwitz shares story of reconnecting with Jewish values

“Four thousand years of wisdom from my ancestors” — this is what Sarah Hurwitz, renowned speechwriter and author, gained from reconnecting with her...


Comets v. Taco Bell: A case for #6

Taco Bell’s menu is full of broken promises, and I’ve been fooled into giving it another chance time after time.  After waiting an...


Locally sourced food could cut costs in new SU

UTD is in desperate need for affordable and sustainable food options, and locally-sourced dining options in the new Student Union can accomplish that...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.