Submitting to The Mercury
Letter to the Editor Policy
The Mercury values its readers’ input and welcomes criticism. Letters may be submitted by students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni and those affiliated with the UTD community. Letters should be 500 words or less and focused on a concern about the publication or a current issue. Students and alumni should include their full name, major and academic classification (i.e. freshman, sophomore, etc.). Faculty and staff should include their full name and title. Email letters to Please include a clean, clear headshot photo.
Op-Ed Policy
The Mercury publishes op-eds in an effort to reflect a wide variety of campus perspectives. Op-eds should be between 500 and 1,200 words and relevant to a college or local audience. Apart from name, personal information will not be published. The Mercury reserves the right to reject any submission and to edit op-eds for clarity, brevity, accuracy and to prevent libel. Email op-eds to
Readers may wish to write a rebuttal to an opinion piece previously published in The Mercury. Rebuttals are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis; multiple rebuttals may be accepted at the discretion of the Opinion Editor.
The Mercury operates on a two-week production cycle each regular, long semester. The Opinion Editor will inform authors of opinion editorials and letters to the editor about the nearest upcoming publication date and key deadlines.