SG Report

Senator Janani Sundaresan presented a proposal to create school councils in each of the six UTD schools at the April 15 Student Government meeting.

SG has looked at other school councils from other universities, such as UT, as well as the School of Management’s Dean’s Council, to serve as models. The councils would exist to create events for the students in that school, host town hall meetings, foster school pride and listen to students’ problems and concerns. 

Each council would be made up of students from the respective schools. Council members would then report these issues to SG. The proposal will be voted on by the next senate at the May 6 SG meeting and sent to Dean of Students Gene Fitch for approval. 

SG Vice President Charlie Hannigan presented constitutional amendments and the honor code resolution at the meeting. The proposed changes that were made to the SG constitution included decreasing the number of committees from seven to five and allocating more senate seats as the student body increases. Senate believes this will better help with SG handlings and matters, Hannigan said. 

The honor code resolution states that the honor code shall be placed on examinations, be taught at student orientations, be placed in admission materials and be added to all syllabi. 

However, the senate was not able to vote on the measures because it did not meet quorum. The amendments and resolution were kept on the table to be discussed as old business by the new senate at the May 6 SG meeting. The amendments will then be available on SG’s webpage for the student body to review before senate votes on them in the upcoming fall semester.

• Residential Affairs Committee Chair Katie Truesdale said an irrigation system was installed near the former Waterview apartments to water the soil before it causes any foundational problems. University Village is also having engineers inspect balconies to make sure they are still properly and safely connected to the buildings. 

UV placed braces on the balconies until all inspections and constructions are completed to secure them from falling or getting damaged. Students are advised not to go out on their balconies and porches. If any problems are detected, they will start reconstruction immediately, Hannigan said.  

• Truesdale also said that students who have not received an email confirming their housing should start looking for alternative housing options. Upperclassmen are able to apply for Res Hall housing. 

• Student Affairs Committee Chair Casey Sublett said that SG and university officials will walk around campus on May 8 to address different locations of concern regarding smoking. According to the smoking policy, all smokers must stay at least 33 feet away from doors. However, many students are not respecting this policy, Sublett said. Areas of big concern include the area behind Berkner Hall and the Science and Learning Center, where many chemical and flammable materials are stored, and outside the Student Union on the Mall and on the wooden steps, where there is a lot of traffic. 

• Legislative Affairs Committee Chair Sidd Sant said SG will hold a voter registration booth from 2:30-4 p.m. on May 1 in the Comet Café. Students from Dallas and Collin counties can register there for state elections.

• Communications Committee Chair Miguel Juarez said senate will be printing business cards with general SG contact information as well as each senator’s contact information. Juarez said he hopes this will help students know their representatives in SG and build better relationships between students and senators. Senate allocated $125 for the business cards.

• Sublett presented a proposal for a tradition tree to be planted on campus. One of the proposed locations was the gazebo next to Lot D. Senate hopes this will be the first step toward enhancing the gazebo area to be used for graduation pictures and other events. This tree would be donated from SG. Senate allocated $1,000 for the tradition tree. 

• Senate allocated $5,000 to buy tablets, computers and any other necessary accessories and programs for SG to use; $25 was allocated for cookies for the voter registration drive; $300 was allocated for SG T-shirts; $30 was allocated for sweet tea for the “Meet You Senators” event.

• The last SG meeting of the semester will be at 5:15 p.m. on May 6 in one of the Galaxy Rooms.

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