SG Report: 4/23/18

Amazon Won’t Deliver

The Amazon lockers Student Government planned to implement on campus, which would allow students to pick up and drop off deliveries to a designated self-service kiosk, will not be carried out. According to chairman of the Technology Committee Dhiren Kisani, negotiations with Amazon purportedly fell through due to a UT System rule requiring all for-profit vendors to pay an occupancy fee that Amazon’s representatives worried might set an unwelcome precedent.

Dining Hours Extended

The Food Service Advisory Committee has agreed to a proposal extending the hours of both Papa John’s and Starbucks to 2 a.m. during finals weeks in a precursory phase to test the reception of later dining hours by UTD students. Chair of the Residential Affairs Committee Danni Yang said she hoped that a successful test run could be extended into the planned 24-hour dining goal by next year’s RA Chair.

Hot Water Fountains

Plans put forth by the Student Affairs Committee to install hot water fountains around campus are moving forward, with one location set aside in the School of Management and another in the Engineering Computer Science building. The first part of the project will involve the installation of water fountains lacking the compressor that would cool the water down, leaving it at room temperature. The second phase will involve finding locations for the instillation of hot water fountains.

Free Books Find a Home

It has been decided that the Take One, Leave One initiative, allowing students to take a free book and replace it with one of their own, will have bookshelves located in the hallway between the Student Union’s Subway and Galaxy Rooms. Chairwoman of Academic Affairs Committee, Nikki Prattipati, is currently working with Dan Goodwin, the director of the SU, to construct customized bookshelves for the program.

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