SG Report 11/13/17

UTD Mobile App

The Office of Information Technology released version 1.0 of the UTD mobile app on Oct. 24. The official app for UTD hosts 17 features allowing students to access campus-related information and content. Features include a map, directory, parking information, calendar and Comet cab/cruiser information. Student Government President JW Van Der Schans plans to meet with the developers of the app to prepare for version 2.0 of the app. During his meeting, Van Der Schans said he intends to propose a list of features that he would like to see in the next major update, including the ability to see dining menus, reserve study rooms in the library and an update to the user experience.

SU Art

SG chose 10 locations in the Student Union to present student art. A maximum of 18 pieces of art may be showcased at once. Two frames will be located on the lower level of the SU, two on the staircases leading up to the SG office  across from the Student Media suite and the remaining six on the second floor of the SU. Depending on the positivity of student feedback, SG may expand the project into the SSA within the current term. SG is currently working to create a committee that will curate the student art for the spots. The committee will be composed of both students and faculty.

JSOM Mosaic Project

SG decided to move the new mosaic to the front of the JSOM building after originally planning to feature it in the SU. SG made the change to save the space at the SU for another project, as well as give the mosaic more exposure to campus visitors and executives. SG is currently focusing on building the mock up and proposal for the mosaic design.

Faculty Dining Room Art

SG is making preparations to hang two 8X9 art frames in the faculty dining room. SG Vice President Alex Holcomb is currently talking with UTD administration to determine where to hang the frames in the room. Holcomb said he wants to replace two of the paintings in the faculty dining room. The paintings are pending approval from either a committee of students and faculty or from UTD administration.

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