SG Report: 10/2/2017


OIT’s Manager of Mobile Applications Wayne Peterson, is spearheading the creation of the UTD app. SG’s role in the development of the app is to provide feedback and ensure that there is continuous progress. SG has been involved with beta testing since September of last year. The app includes quick links to emergency contacts, maps, transit routes and information, directories for different UTD contacts, information on parking availability, the Comet Calendar, Student Galaxy and 13 other functions. The features of the app will be rolled out in multiple phases. Updates to existing features, as well as the addition of new features, will be included following the release of the app’s first phase. OIT is responsible for the development, release and update of the UTD App.

“Know Your Rights” Card

Rebecca Tjahja, chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee, is working on the “Know Your Rights” card. The card is a resource where students can easily reference their legal rights. Currently, SG is considering several designs for the card’s layout, as well as which rights to place on the card.

Political Speaker

The Legislative Affairs Committee is exploring the possibility of having a notable political speaker come to campus during January or February of 2018. Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, is being considered as a speaker. Rebecca Tjahja, head of the committee, said that the goal of bringing such a speaker on campus is to increase political efficacy among the student body, as well as raise interest in SG.

SG Debate

An ongoing series, Rebecca Tjahja of the Legislative Affairs Committee is organizing a student debate for Nov. 2 at 7 p.m.  While the specific topic of the debate is undecided, Tjahja said there is a strong chance that net neutrality will be the topic.

It’s On Us

SG is holding its fourth annual “It’s On Us” donation drive at the Plinth on Oct. 3 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The funds raised at the event will be given to “It’s On Us,” a national movement to end sexual assault. At the drive, there will be a speaker from the Title IX Office, as well as popcorn and T-shirts. The focus of the drive is to inform students on ways they can assist the movement and motivating them the take the pledge against sexual assault.

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