SG appoints members to Senate in first meeting

Student Government president Brooke Knudtson took the podium for the first time at the May 6 SG meeting after being elected, and she appointed new members to senate.

Senate confirmed the appointment of biology sophomore Kevin Dang, business administration senior Chidi Echebiri, finance sophomore Aishwarya Ravindran, political science senior Tim Sullivan and EMAC and marketing junior Katie Truesdale to senate.

Senate also elected Ravindran as Academic Affairs Committee chair, economic senior Molly Vaughan as Communications Committee chair, cognitive science senior Braden Herndon as Graduate and International Affairs Committee chair, mechanical engineering senior Andrew Parker as Legislative Affairs Committee chair, accounting junior Jessica Santibanez as Residential Affairs Committee chair, Katie Truesdale as Student Affairs Committee chair, electrical engineering senior Jon Alejandro as Technology Committee chair, and marketing junior Nicole Watson as Treasurer. The position of Secretary remained vacant by the end of the meeting but was temporarily filled by SG Vice President Nancy Fairbanks until an eligible senator is elected.

SG will meet during the summer to plan and prepare for the upcoming year. The first official SG meeting of the 2014-2015 year will be in early September.

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