Livening up campus

The School of Arts & Humanities is out to liven the campus up with its fall schedule of events.

Art exhibitions from “Gaza Zoo” to “X-cessive” promise to visually stimulate passersby while musical exhibitionists from Carles Pons to the Joey DeFrancesco Trio will tease the melodically-inclined.

With an artistic program showcasing amateur to professional performers, the arts season will hit campus full-fledge with Laray Polk’s “Gaza Zoo” exhibition. Approximately 150 digital prints will be on display, but the prints are more than just artwork. They are a mixture of the visual, the creative writing, and the intellect.

Modern thinkers in linguistics, communication theory, and politics from Edward Said to Naom Chomsky are said to have influenced Polk’s work. The exhibit will run until Saturday, Sept. 25.

Also of special note is a full-fledged theater season under the direction of UTD’s artistic director of Arts and Performance studies Thomas Riccio.

After the success of “Beta Test,” a festival designed to introduce and develop experimental performance and visual work at UTD, “Beta Test.2” opens the fall theater season on Fri., Sept. 17. A now annual event, the “Beta Test” series will host a cornucopia of performance art, video, digital art, audio, animation and hybrid medium presentations. In conjunction with the Institute for Interactive Arts and Engineering, this annual series promises to put traditional and technological art on a new plane.

All events are free to UTD students who show a student ID at the box office on the night of the event. For information about the many musical, arts, theatre, dance and other performances and exhibitions held throughout the year at UTD, please call 972-UTD-ARTS (972-883-2787), e-mail or visit the School of Arts & Humanities’ web site at

Persons with disabilities needing special accommodations may call 972-883-2982, Texas Relay Operator: 1-800-RELAYVV.

<strong>UTD Fall Arts Schedule</strong>


10 Basically Baroque

8 p.m., $10

17-26 Beta Test.2

Fri.-Sat., 8pm; Sun. 2:30 p.m., $15

18 One O’Clock Lab Band

8 p.m., $15

21 T.C. Boyle

7:30 p.m., Free

Now-25 Gaza Zoo



1-Nov. 11 X-cessive

6:30-9:30p.m., Free

1-2 BExchanged

8 p.m., $10

8 Joey DeFrancesco Trio

8 p.m., $20

15 Music, Myths, & Mysticism

8 p.m., Free


5-14 Kartasi

8 p.m.,$10

14 Schubert & Café Music

7:30 p.m., $15

19-20 Stu. Arts Festivals

Various times, Free

22 Symphony of Toys

7:30 p.m., Donation


3 Music Nova

8pm, Free

5 Annual Holiday Sing

7:30pm, Free

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