Letter to the Editor: How to help ATEC grads improve job prospects

It’s easy to help make ATEC a better experience for its undergraduate students: Just require a minor (18 credit hours) in the STEM field of their choice. The interests and abilities that UTD ATEC students have for animating and visualizing complex STEM processes are badly needed in NS&M, ECS and BBS.  For an example of the types of visualizations and animations that are needed in my field, geosciences, please take a look at some of the videos and animations made by Geoscience Studios (https://utdgss2016.wixsite.com/utdgss). I’m sure other science and engineering disciplines have need for ATEC student skills as well, but if ATEC undergrads don’t know a prokaryote from a chloroplast, they’re not going to be much help to biology! Thus, involving ATEC undergrads in STEM will improve all UTD STEM fields. What’s more, a STEM minor will make ATEC undergrads venture into another field, learn some of the lingo and problems and improve engagement. To do this, space must be carved out for a STEM minor as part of ATEC major degree requirements. Having a STEM minor will make it easier for an ATEC student’s resume to stand out. All technique and no content makes Jack a dull boy!

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