Green Fee Referendum passes with 61% support

The referendum's passage will implement a $5 fee per semester to fund student-led sustainability projects on campus

Grace Cowger | Mercury Staff
Anika Sultana | Mercury Staff

The Green Fee Referendum passed April 26. Of the 1,032 Comets who voted in the referendum, held from April 24 to 26, 628 students voted in favor of the environmental service fee, and 404 students voted against it. With a 224-vote victory margin, the process to implement the fee will move forward; the next step is for the UT System Board of Regents to review and approve it. Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Chad Thomas said he expects the fee to be implemented by the 2025-26 academic year if no unexpected delays arise. Students on variable tuition plans and all incoming freshmen in the year of implementation will pay the $5 fee for fall and spring semesters, as well as $2.50 during summer semesters. The money collected from the fee will be pooled into a Green Fund that will fund environment-focused initiatives on campus. UTD can legally charge students the environmental service fee for five years before it is renewed through a bond process, otherwise incorporated into tuition or simply eliminated.  

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