Former student makes court appearance





A former UTD student who was indicted for bringing a gun on campus has had his first appearance in court and was scheduled for a bond hearing on June 2.

Natas Centner Hastings, a former freshman, was arrested by UTD police on September 21 and charged with the possession of a weapon on campus after a shotgun was found in his dorm room in Residence Hall South.. He is currently facing a third-degree felony charge.

According to his lawyer, Vanita Parker, Hastings’ hearing was initially planned for the middle of May but was rescheduled after the judge had a scheduling conflict. Parker could not disclose any more information about the case.

On May 11, the Register of Actions from the 416th district court showed that there was a motion to declare the Hastings’ bond insufficient, which generally signifies that the prosecuting attorney found the bail amount too low. Representatives of the court could not be reached for comment.

The Register shows that the original bond amount and conditions are to remain in place. Hastings is scheduled for an announcement meeting on July 2, where Hastings will declare whether or not he wishes to reach a plea agreement with the prosecuting attorney.





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