Farage apologizes after backlash from UTD community

On July 25, CS instructor Timothy Farage issued an official apology for wanting a “cure for homosexuality” in a letter to The Mercury. The following is what he said.

“A week or so ago, I tweeted about an article dealing with monkeypox. The article said that a common way to transmit this disease was by men having sex with men. My comment about the article was I thought that doctors should try to find a cure for male homosexuality. I actually thought that this was a compassionate comment because I’ve had a few homosexual friends who wished they were heterosexual. Since then, I’ve received a great deal of negative feedback. And it is clear to me that my comments were offensive and hurtful to many. I promise you that I had no intention of offending anyone. And I deeply apologize to those who were. Students who have taken courses from me know that I harbor no ill will towards anyone, and especially not because of their sexuality, or race, or country of origin. Please forgive me.

Tim Farage
Professor of Instruction, Computer Science Department
The University of Texas at Dallas”

  • “ I’ve had a few homosexual friends who wished they were heterosexual.” No you haven’t. That’s a complete lie and the oldest homophobic trope in the book. His whole field of science was basically made possible by a gay man Alan Turing and he wishes he could be 1000th the scientist Alan Turing was.

  • I am utterly amazed at this man’s lack of insight. It emotionally tone deaf. I would highly suggest that the University require Diversity training for this Professor. It is more a reflection of him than any of his students or faculty.

  • Liar, liar, pants on fire. You are not sad at all, instructor Farage. You just became aware of the consequences of your hate-spewing bigotry. You most likely have no friends, let alone gay friends. If you do, I feel genuinely sorry for them.

  • I took Professor Farage’s class more than a decade ago. It was a great experience and Professor Farage was definitely a great teacher to most of us. I am a minority male and not a Christian, but 100% believe Professor Farage is a great human being with a good heart. I also don’t believe anyone with a functioning mind that’s capable enough to do reasonable thinking believed Mr. Farage’s comment was meant to be offensive (I don’t want to be offensive but it is what it is).
    For those who still wish this man to get fired after his apology for his carelessness: I honestly wish you can be happy and have a good life with less hate.

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