Creative Collective

Creative Disturbance|Courtesy

ArtSciLab, an interdisciplinary research lab, is running a crowdfunding campaign to raise efforts for its latest project, Creative Disturbance.

The project aims to connect people from different fields through podcasts and social media platforms.

ArtSciLab, a product of the arts and technology and emerging media and communication programs, aims to connect artists with scientists to facilitate projects that meet at the intersections of their fields.

“What we’re trying to do in the lab is help artists and scientists collaborate together, and (Creative Disturbance) is going to be one of the ways that we do that,” said professor and Associate Director of ATEC Roger Malina, who founded the lab in 2013.

In the highly specialized world of academia, making connections across fields of study is valuable, but opportunities to do so are few and far between, Malina said. Creative Disturbance will allow students from around the world to interview high-profile scholars from their areas of interest.

The program started a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for Creative Disturbance and will continue until Dec. 5. The group hopes to raise $20,000, which will channel directly into producing new content for the platform.

“We want to use the money raised to fund international projects,” said Yvan Tina, a doctoral student working on Creative Disturbance.

The crowdfunding campaign will allow ArtSciLab to expand its reach globally and attract a high-profile audience, Tina said, while also serving as an outlet for student interest.

At the completion of the crowdfunding campaign, at least 10 students will be given grants to serve as ambassadors within their intellectual communities. These students will use the funds raised to interview and connect with professionals in their fields of interest.

“People that are interested in what’s going on in (ATEC) today — whether they are artists, scientists or innovators — are invited to submit podcasts,” Tina said.

ArtSciLab would like to expand its reach on social media to further spread its message, said Stephanie Brisendine, an EMAC senior working as creative director for the project. Members also are working on a way to collaborate with Radio UTD on a talk radio program to increase their reach on campus and incorporate student ideas.

“Right now, we’re focused on all these really interesting people around the world, but there’s no student voice, so we plan on incorporating student voices,” Brisendine said. “We should embrace the environment we’re created in, which is the university.”

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