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Club bolsters competitive thinking

Graphic by Sam Lopez | Mercury Staff.





A new student organization on campus is featuring a fresh way of reviewing for tests. Competition-driven study groups will foster both learning and community while encouraging students to push themselves intellectually.

Supply chain management freshman Bobby Terrell founded the Quizlet Club using his previous experience with Quizlet. The purpose of the club is to help students review for tests in an environment different from a typical study group, while also having a social aspect with the competition and the prizes.

Accounting freshman and vice president of Quizlet Club Shannon Cotts brought in her experience from high school to guide the study competitions. Students gather in groups of four or five and individually answer questions. A scoreboard is projected onto a larger screen, and the first team to reach 10 points wins.

“I think that a lot of people, in order to beat someone in a competition, especially if there’s a prize involved, then work the extra mile to try to do the best they possibly can,” Cotts said.

With an exam review and guided direction through the material, the officers offer a structured learning setting. The classroom feature includes information such as commonly misunderstood concepts so that the officers can accurately assist the students. This ensures that a student will be prepared for their upcoming test, Terrell said.

“You get a great test result out of it, you’re talking about it, you’re building camaraderie,” he said.

The Quizlet Club offers high-quality prizes to the winning team. The most recent competition had stainless steel water bottles as the prizes. In the future, members will continue having the opportunity to decide on prizes through the most popularly-voted item in a group chat.

“I think there’s a certain level of self-doubt,” Terrell said. “That once you come into a group like this and you really start talking to other people and start feeling out where you are on your knowledge, you start losing that doubt and make better, stronger decisions,”

The executive board and officers, all of whom volunteered to help start the club, worked hard to get it running in a short period of time, Terrell said. While student organizations take around four months to start a club, the Quizlet Club was fully functioning in two and a half weeks, with officers funding their first competition out of their pockets. Their faculty sponsor, Angela Scoggins, associate director of academic outreach, said she attributed their swift start to dedication and enthusiasm.

“I think it’s a really innovative club, and the students have worked hard to get it up and running fairly quickly,” Scoggins said. “It really does have the potential to grow and offer an alternative way for students to gather and study.”

The board’s goal is to help students be better equipped for their tests, Terrell said. To make it easy for students to obtain help, the club does not require dues and is open to anyone who has enough people willing to commit for a certain class’s exam.

Currently, the Quizlet Club focuses on Oceanography, but as it continues to expand, the board is looking to include additional subjects, Terrell said. Students will be able to contact the Quizlet Club to set up a review session for their class.

“Testing is like combat in an abstract way,” Terrell said. “You survive all this horrible crunch time and then what do you get out of it? You get a better job. It’s through those trials that we create those stronger bonds, that real human spirit.”





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