A visual arts student used her class assignment to execute a long-desired artistic vision of showcasing UTD’s ethnic diversity and cultural backgrounds. Alaae...
While Wonder may be directed towards children, the enlightening tone and plot makes it a movie all adults should see at least once...
In preparation for the upcoming “Star Wars” film “The Last Jedi,” The Mercury sat down with UTD film professor John Petty to talk...
The newest DC comics movie, “Justice League”, had good action sequences and fight scenes, but had a disappointing plot and lacked a reason...
“No Shame” is California rapper Hopsin’s fifth studio album and is a sullen recounting of the past two years of his life, which...
During the holiday season, international students are experiencing their first American celebration with fellow UTD students. According to UTD’s university profile, 22 percent...
Upon first glance, students may never guess the artistic background of this UTD Student Union employee. However, their opinions may change once they...
Can you describe your role as a concept artist in the making of “Coco?” I got to work on a lot of different...
When Jackie Clark was in Mozambique for her first deployment, she gave a young man a hearing aid. It was the first one...
Kickstarter game offers challenging gameplay
“Throne of Lies” is an online, hidden identity roleplaying game available for PC. Take on the role of member in your King’s court...
By The MercuryNovember 13, 2017