While some movies are year-round favorites, the arrival of sweltering weather and mosquito hordes evokes a desire for media that can provide an...
The short animated film “When L.R. Wept” by Ahmad Khoshniat, a visual and performing arts Ph.D. student, was accepted into the IMPACTE! Film...
Royel Otis’ addictive vocals and electrifying instrumentals quickly made their way onto the playlists of indie and alternative rock fans with their viral...
Inflatable ruby-red dice bounce through the air as impassioned prom-goers dance, laugh and swap stories. The sharp pulse of a beat reverberates through...
Blending the tragedy of war with zany retro-futuristic science fiction, “Fallout” (2024) captures the quirky satire of the games in all their absurdity. ...
Students gathered at the Science Pavilion to cuddle with 13 goats during a free goat yoga session hosted by the Office of Graduate...
Amid violet, pink and blue flowers, an apiary sits nestled in a strange place — directly next to Parking Lot A. This apiary...
Computer science junior Marco Frescas aims to transform the social landscape of UTD through his passion for music and DJing which brings vibrant...
Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks share a passion for exposing viewers to authentic and carefully crafted war stories, and both Hollywood icons came...
The smell of coffee welcomes guests into Deep Vellum, a small bookstore where a curated selection of translated books from every corner of...