Two students launched a campus-based emergency medical response group this semester in an effort to decrease emergency response time and provide a platform...
Rain from Hurricane Harvey flooded the streets of Houston shutting down communities and businesses and dislocating thousands of families, including those of UTD...
T.J. Miller who has starred in “Silicon Valley,” “Deadpool” and the “Emoji Movie” is bringing his comedy show to campus as a part...
After the unrest in Virginia in August, UTD students attended a protest against white supremacy at Dallas City Hall. On Saturday, Aug. 12,...
The tension in Emmett Orton’s voice heightened as he explained his experiences as an LGBT student at UTD. One evening, Orton, a psychology...
A UTD alumna broke the Tapper world record at Free Play Arcade in Arlington, scoring 14,000,600 points and making her the first woman...
As Jessica Chester entered her freshman year of college, she was already four months into motherhood with her first child. Balancing college and...
Three students gained publicity all over the Metroplex by building a 150 pound fidget spinner that they have also submitted to the Guinness...