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4360 Articles26963 Comments

Dallas Isn’t Ready for the World Cup

While FIFA is branding the World Cup as a Dallas event, it will actually be hosted in Arlington, creating a spiral of issues...


Save Our Parking Garages

With all the facilities we have on campus, there is no excuse for littering. Comets need to take proper trash disposal more seriously....


Men’s basketball holds first in ASC

The UTD Men’s Basketball Team opened up the 2023 midseason with both a historic first for UTD and their first loss in the...


Esports heads leave program

As Brandon “Texhorn” Bingham and Carter “Stellaric” Hawks exit UTD, the respective creator and broadcast leads of the esports program, they leave the...


Comets exceed in ASC standing

The UTD women’s and men’s basketball teams earned exciting victories against East Baptist University on Jan. 12 at their first away game of...


TikTok ban comes to UTD

After an order issued by Gov. Greg Abbott on Dec. 7, UTD must delete TikTok from all state-issued devices and formulate a policy...

Life & Arts

The Tower of Hollywood Topples in “Babylon”

The Mercury spoke with the director and producer of “Babylon,” which chronicles the highs and lows of vintage Hollywood. The beginning of Hollywood...


Multi-Use Housing Complex Approved Near Campus

The Richardson city council on Dec. 12 voted in favor of a zoning change that paves the way for a housing development near...


Issue 12 05 22 


Peace Out, Plastics

The Sustainability Committee’s Single-Use Plastic Ban Proposal has made it all the way to the office of the President. If President Richard Benson...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.