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4360 Articles24146 Comments

Here comes ‘Big Momma’

UTD celebrated the groundbreaking for its student success center and student union complex Aug. 12. Members of UTD administration, state and local government...


Smoothie King deposed, boba shop takes throne

Aug. 12 marked the soft launch of TeaCo in the Student Union. The newest addition to UTD’s dining facilities will provide students with...

Life & Arts

ATEEZ blazes with theatrical performance  

The rising K-pop boy group ATEEZ set a new standard for K-pop concerts with a theatrical and thrilling show July 28, bringing over...


Editor’s Desk: new semester, new Mercury

Welcome — or welcome back — to campus. For many, this will be your first year at UTD, so you have the great...


A bee in our bonnets: UTD’s journey to sustainable living 

Correction, Aug. 22: The graphic accompanying this article incorrectly states how much of UTD’s energy consumption comes from nonrenewable sources. The correct figure...


Safety tips from UTDPD

The start of the fall semester coincides with the return of over 30,000 students and faculty to UTD’s sprawling campus, including many first-time...

Life & Arts

The Marías’ ‘Submarine’ Tour brings dreamy sound to DFW 

A long, eager line of fans snaked through the parking lot of the South Side Ballroom, small talk filling the humid Dallas night....

FeaturedLife & Arts

From game console to big screen: the chaotic journey of ‘Borderlands’

Three massive spotlights sliced through the Dallas night, casting a crimson glow over the Texas Theatre as cosplayers and cinephiles alike gathered beneath...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.