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BrainHealth Center lecture delves into teenage brain

Contrary to popular belief, teenagers aren’t aliens from other planets. They’re not possessed, they’re not mutants and they’re not diseased. Such was the...


Cartoon Corner

<strong>Black & White</strong> by Luke McKenzie… <strong>”Pickles Count as Vegetables”</strong> by Leslie Dixon…


Sports Briefs 09/20/04

<strong>Taylor named top offensive player</strong> Every American Southwest Conference East offensive soccer player of the week in 2004 has worn a Comets jersey....


Artists’ obsessions show in ‘Excessive’

While words such as “excessive” or “obsessive” might sometimes be used to describe persons with psychological or emotional issues, John Pomara, artist and...


SGA’s online voting still out-of-line

<em>Editor’s Note: Following is an editorial of The Mercury’s editorial board. The Editorial Board consists of the newspaper’s management team (editor-in-chief, managing editor,...


1,100 chime in on SlashDot posting

UTD garnered the national attention of the technological community Sept. 9, when computer science sophomore Chris Skalenda posted news of Information Resources (IR)...


Power cables replaced

Eighteen-hundred pounds of cable later, feeder lines one and two have been replaced, restoring perpetual power to campus. The administration reached its goal...


Truce declared in wireless war

UTD Information Resources officials said Sept. 10 they are reversing their previous decision to ban private wireless access points in Waterview Park after...


A ‘Welcome’ week for UTD students

Despite power outages and Texas heat, UTD’s first full week of classes witnessed a campus overflowing with activities. Welcome Week 2004, sponsored by...


‘BetaTest.2’ showcases experimental art

For students in need of visual and intellectual entertainment, “BetaTest.2” promises to stimulate with its mixture of technological, theatrical and other visually experimental...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.