‘BetaTest.2’ showcases experimental art

For students in need of visual and intellectual entertainment, “BetaTest.2” promises to stimulate with its mixture of technological, theatrical and other visually experimental work.

The second annual festival dedicated to showcasing experimental student work, “BetaTest.2” was developed and produced by Arts & Humanities Artistic Director Thomas Riccio.

“A school with so much talent needs a venue of expression, which serves as a focus point to which students and artists can work,” Riccio said.

With more than 20 presentations included in this year’s festival, “BetaTest.2” will operate on two schedules and showcase different pieces on alternating evenings.

Works such as “Dumb Larry,” an award-winning, five-minute film will display students’ artistic innovations.

Also included in this year’s festival is arts & humanities graduate student Elizabeth Coker’s play entitled “The Blank Page.”

The play centers around a woman caught in a memory-feedback loop whose attempts to recreate the past are altered as another character from the play mocks her remembrance.

“I think BetaTest.2 is a unique opportunity for students to get new and developing work out into the world,” Coker said. “All of us are emerging artists, and this process is invaluable to mastering our crafts.”

“BetaTest.2” runs Sept. 17-26 in the University Theater. For more information call 972-883-ARTS.

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