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Life & Arts

Comets show out for homecoming

On Oct. 20, Comets and their families gathered in Parking Lot J for UTD’s Homecoming/Family Day. Activities included free food and bubble tea,...

Life & Arts

Cigarettes After Sex brings smokey smooth sound to DFW

During their highly anticipated 2023 North American tour, Cigarettes After Sex delivered a soothing and enthralling performance on Wednesday, October 18., turning The...

Life & Arts

Claire’s ‘Just Because’: a raw journey through adolescence

In a blend of retro-blues and psychedelic tones, Claire Rosinkranz’s music style takes a tour across a wide genre of music as she...

Life & Arts

Saw X revives franchise with gruesome horror

This year has been lackluster when it comes to the quantity and quality of horror films, but one classic has returned yet again...

Life & Arts

The Eras Tour is just as “Enchanting” on screen

This past year, Taylor Swift has taken the world by storm, selling out American football stadiums for multiple nights and raking in $14...


The Mercury retracts article about overcrowding

The Mercury has retracted an article published on Oct. 2 in light of new information regarding false statements in the piece. The story...


Benson responds to SG resolution to amend statement about Israel-Hamas war

On Oct. 24, 2023, Student Government passed S.R. 2023-06, a resolution calling on President Richard Benson to amend his Oct. 16 statement and...


‘Disappointed to be a UTD student’: Benson’s Israel-Hamas statement disrespects grieving Comets

Not only does UTD president Richard Benson’s latest message about the Israel-Hamas war disrespect grieving students, it successfully alienates students with ties to...


Issue 10 16 23


Celebrating Hispanic Prosperity Through Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month is observed annually from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and was established under President Ronald Reagan in 1988. As a...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.