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‘Ouija’ underwhelms with unoriginality

With uninspired scares and lackluster directing by Stiles White, “Ouija” is a completely forgettable foray into the horror-film genre. Hasbro is taking a...


Water shortage shouldn’t be overlooked

The year has been peppered with a diverse array of events, from the Scottish independence referendum to the spread of Ebola. As these...

NewsSG Report

SG Report

Residential affairs committee chair Akshitha Padigela announced the committee is looking into rent-a-room services for dorms on campus. This will allow visitors on...

Life & Arts

The Science of Scares

Every year around Halloween, millions of people participate in activities that celebrate spooky and eerie aspects with one thought in mind: to be...


Just The facts

Campus NewsNews

Students, staff propose sustainable ideas for campus at green fair

Students presented science-fair-style projects displaying green initiatives and environmentally sustainable ideas for the campus on Oct. 9 at the annual Green Fair. The...

Campus NewsNews

New online tool offers data on job prospects, wages

As of last week, current and incoming students at the undergraduate and graduate levels across Texas can use seekUT, a new website that...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.