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Life & Arts

Sofia Coppola Puts a Bow on Female Isolation In the Heart of Graceland

A bold, jet black cat eye, a full set of false lashes and a comically voluminous bouffant hairdo is how the world came...

Life & Arts

Does Temoc Belong on a Calendar?

Temoc is a constant presence on the UTD campus, bouncing between his glass prison in the Visitor Center, freshman orientations, graduations, seasonal parties...

Life & Arts

Freddy Fazbear Comes Alive in “Five Nights at Freddy” Film

Most of Gen Z remembers the thrill of watching their favorite gamers attempting to make it through the night at Freddy’s Pizzeria, or...

Life & Arts

“Newsies” Production Reflects Life of Modern Students

UTD’s theater produced and directed the “Newsies” Broadway Musical on campus from Nov. 1 to Nov. 5. Its brilliant acting and gorgeous visuals...

Life & Arts

Grounded: Art exhibit at SP/N gallery north of campus highlights fragile relationship of humans with environment

All Photos By Gregory Binu | Mercury Staff The “Grounded: Art Exhibition” at the SP/N Gallery at UTD, curated by Marilyn Waligore, professor...


Red Light: UTD Sexual Harassment Policies Threaten Comets’ Liberties

UTD should amend its Student Grievances policy to match the definition of sexual harassment in its Sexual Misconduct Policy. While firm anti-harassment policies...


Antisocial Campus? Try Sports

Embracing sports culture at UTD will bring Comets together and invigorate campus UTD’s lack of a sports culture is a direct culprit for...


Abbott’s failures unmask the facade of “school choice”

School voucher programs siphon money away from public education, and UTD could become collateral damage The Texas Legislature’s fourth special session is underway,...


Sports Scores


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.