24/30 with COVID-19

How students can stay on track for graduation during the pandemic.

As coronavirus shifts students’ academic plans, the 24-in-30 rule remains relevant to ensure graduation. This rule says that students have to complete 24 of their final 30 hours at UTD.

Most students have not struggled with this graduation requirement in the past, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Advising John Jackson said. Even those planning on pushing back off-campus plans because of the pandemic will likely remain unaffected. The 24-in-30 rule is focused on institutional credit, not the actual location of the classes.

For example, students pursuing internships off campus will not be affected. Even though the internship may technically be off-campus, the credit originates at UTD either as an internship or independent study credit. The same goes for semesters at the Archer Center, where students intern in Washington, D.C.

“From the 24-in-30 perspective, technically, all the credit is at the school already,” Jackson said.

Students considering doing study abroad later in college may face the most challenges. Faculty-led programs, which are UTD courses that include an international component, will still count as credit taken at UTD. Choosing to study abroad and receive internship or independent credit will still count since the credit also originates at UTD. Credit from exchanges at other universities that transfer to UTD, however, will not count as institutional credit.

In general, the 24-in-30 rule most acutely impacts students close to graduation.

“They have less time to make adjustments,” Jackson said.

Students that should be most aware of this rule are those that are both nearing graduation and considering coursework whose credit does not originate at UTD. This would include, for example, seniors opting to take remaining core classes at community college and transfer the credit, or those considering a study abroad program through a different university.

Jackson said he urges students who have further questions to turn to their academic advisor.

“Start there, ask questions, get the info. Find if what you think is true is actually true,” he said. “Then, if you think you need to appeal a 24-in-30 rule, you can move on from there. But first, please, get the information from your advisor.”

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