Maria Shaikh


What are your professors up to this summer?

Three UTD faculty members are researching abroad as Fulbright U.S. Scholars during the 2023-2024 academic year — the most sent abroad by the...


Editorial: Investigative journalism at stake — support The Mercury

UPDATE: As of July 22, The Mercury has raised $3,015 — enough to cover the $2,905 fee for reviewing the public records we...


Despite administration’s silence, community supports 21 arrested at ‘Gaza Liberation Plaza’

In a historic first, UTD administration called in law enforcement with riot gear to destroy the “Gaza Liberation Plaza” encampment while arresting 21...


Editorial: Meet the admin

State troopers slammed our own students and faculty into the ground, aiming to destroy not just their encampment but their spirit. The administration’s...


Collin County Jail releases detained protesters, families rejoice

As of 4:30 p.m. May 2, all 21 individuals arrested and detained at Collin County Jail after Texas law enforcement’s May 1 raid...


Comets, community members demand return of 21 individuals detained overnight at Collin County Jail

Nine students, three professors, one alum and eight community members were arrested after state troopers and local police stormed UTD’s “Gaza Liberation Plaza”...


Law enforcement raids pro-Palestine encampment, arrests students and faculty

Less than 12 hours after pro-Palestine student activists formed the “Gaza Liberation Plaza” encampment in UTD’s Chess Plaza, local police and state troopers...

A group of protestors wearing keffiyehs and holding a Palestinian flag.

Comets create encampment in solidarity with Gaza

Students established a solidarity encampment with Gaza at the Chess Plaza, surrounded by walls made of cardboard, plywood and tires with a sign...


Know your enemy: Comets should direct DEI ban anger at legislators, not just admin

On April 9, UTD President Richard Benson sent a schoolwide email stating that the Office of Campus Resources and Support — created in...


The Mercury wins 19 press awards

The Mercury brought home 19 press awards at the 2024 Texas Intercollegiate Press Association conference in San Marcos, including 13 awards for pre-published...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.