Students Share ‘Bruh’ Moments

The Instagram account has gathered over 700 followers in less than two months. Photo by Roshan Khichi | Mercury Staff

One UTD freshman pokes fun at the conditions of some campus establishments with an increasingly popular Instagram account that has gained over 700 followers in less than two months.

A UTD student who chose to remain anonymous started the UTD Bruh Moments Instagram account after dealing with repeated utility problems on campus. Instead of complaining, this Comet said he decided to create a humorous archive of the experiences, which have reached students and faculty alike.

“I was thinking that there needs to be some sort of account because there are so many ‘bruh moments.’ I was here during the summer and there were so many ‘bruh moments’ happening,” he said. “The first post on my account was when the internet went out, and that was when I knew.”

The account owner said the emotion that UTD Bruh Moments is intended to draw upon in its audience is somewhere between distaste and resignation.

“A ‘bruh moment’ is some experience or action that causes an emotional reaction in someone so strong that they can only reply with ‘bruh,’” he said. “Bruh moments are universal – everyone can share that emotional reaction.”

Some of these problems have been continuously complained about by students, while others are individual situations that are still widely understood among the account’s growing following.

“Bruh Moments is a meme account but it also highlights a lot of the issues we see on campus — a lot of the problems that need to be fixed,” the source said. “A lot of (submissions) are from Dining Hall West. There’s been metal in food, hair in food and it’s rotten. A lot of the res halls have a lot of bruh moments. You see toilets, showers (and) sinks being broken. However, (someone) commented that the Chartwells managers saw the post about the rotten oranges and solved the problem.”

The account’s following has grown from just above 50 accounts in August to over 700 a month and a half later. The creator started off posting only problems that he encountered and now receives daily submissions of “bruh moments” from other UTD students.

“It started to take off especially after UTDCometLife shouted me out. After that, people started submitting a lot more bruh moments and now I get one or two submissions every day,” he said.

Although the UTD Bruh Moments account wasn’t intended to reach UTD faculty, posts about spoiled food and faulty sprinklers caught the attention of administration. University Housing has sent direct messages to the account through Instagram to address the problems that have been posted.

 “Originally, I was just trying to have fun with it,” he said. “It’d be nice to break 1,000 followers and I think it’s well on its way – honestly, I just want to see how far I can take it.”

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