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To remember and honor students who have passed away since last year, UTD will host an event called “Comets Remember,” which Student Government hopes will become a school tradition.

UTD will hold the memorial event from 4-5:30 p.m. on April 16 in the Galaxy Rooms.

“It gives Comet spirit and Comet unity just saying that these students went here and are not forgotten,” said SG President Liza Liberman.

UTD President David Daniel and Liberman will give short speeches at the event. Each student will individually be recognized, and families will be presented with white carnations, which symbolize remembrance. SG hopes this to be a yearly event held every April.

The families of 12 students who have died since June 2013 are expected to attend. Some of these students were international students, and because it may be difficult for some of their families to attend, SG has invited the student organizations that they were members of to represent them at the ceremony. Friends of all students who have died are also invited.

Many universities across the United States hold annual memorial services to honor students who have passed away, and UTD plans to follow in those footsteps. UT also holds a memorial event called “UT Remembers.”

While many universities have certain rituals and ceremonies, such as lowering university flags, lighting candles and ringing bells, there is no confirmation yet on whether UTD will do anything in addition to the speeches and flower distribution.

• SG’s Twitter account is now reactivated after being inactive for almost two years. SG news and updates will be posted on this account. Students can follow @SG_UTD.

• Adam Ma, graduate and international affairs committee chair, said SG will have two booths at the “Passport to the World” event during International Week on March 31. This year it will represent the United States, as it has in the past. The booth will have red, white and blue decorations, and grilled cheese sandwiches will be given out. The senate allocated $500 for the SG booths at the “Passport to the World” event for food, drinks and decorations

• Residential Affairs Committee chair Katie Truesdale said her committee is working with Media Services to create poster-size “This Week at UT Dallas” announcements for the Res Halls to increase student outreach. “This Week” is a weekly event schedule posted in the News Center on the UTD website.

• Truesdale also said that SG is working with assistant professor Robert Ackerman in BBS to create a personality test that would yield more accurate results and matches for the 2015-2016 housing application.

• The senate allocated $310 for food and refreshments for the JSOM “Meet the Dean” event.

• The next SG meeting will held at 5:15 p.m. on April 1 in one of the Galaxy Rooms.

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