SG Report: March 6th

Core Classes

Jonathan Schueler, leader of the academic affairs committee, informed the senate that the UTD Core Curriculum Committee approved 14 new classes for the School of Arts and Humanities.

The final step in the approval process will happen when the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board meets in the summer. Should the additional classes be approved by the Board, they will be offered and accepted for core credit in the fall.

Bathroom Bill

Christian Filsouf and the Legislative Affairs Committee drafted SG’s resolution for SB6, more commonly known as the “Bathroom Bill.” It was presented and passed by the senate during the SG meeting on Feb. 21.

Anu Emmandi, the leader of the communications committee, and Filsouf are currently working on a communication strategy to deliver the resolution to the student body. It will also be sent to the Texas Legislature representing the community at UTD.

Res Life Signage

Tiffany Chu and the Residential Affairs Committee are working to implement sign placement in the apartment and residential hall parking lots so individuals can easily find the row in which they parked. Chu also hopes to have dorm signage put in place with the name of each residence hall to allow for easier navigation of campus.

Campus Piano

Leader of the Student Affairs Committee Nancy Fairbank is currently working on a proposal to make a mobile piano for student use, both inside and outside. Her hope for this addition is to add to the culture of the university and allow students who are musically inclined to express themselves.

Consent Video

The official release date of the consent video produced by SG is April 3. Its purpose is to explain the moral and legal definition of consent. The video will be released on SG’s Facebook page, as well as shared by the other offices on campus. Amanda Smith, the dean of students, will be speaking at student orientations in the fall and plans to have the consent video shown during her portion.

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