SG Report

The following is a breakdown of key topics raised at the Aug. 16 Student Government, or SG, meeting. Full minutes of meetings can be found at

Marilyn Kaplan, SG’s faculty advisor, said a few changes have been made to the university’s academic dishonesty policy. Faculty will determine a student’s punishment and then submit their case to Judicial Affairs. Following judgment, a board composed of faculty and students will review student appeals.

Brittany Sharkey-Andrews, SG president and Art & Performance senior, said the Executive Committee had quite a bit of money left over in its budget, about $3,000. As a result, SG will use the extra funds to host a Welcome Week after party from 9-11 p.m. on Sept. 1. The event will include live music, a dunking booth, “pie-a-senator” and more.

Other purchases made with the money were for an additional laptop — used for voting booths, student sound offs and committee use — plaques for past and future homecoming kings and queens, Comet Textswap themed bookmarks and Executive Committee name tags.

Kaitlyn West, Residential Student Affairs Committee chair and sophomore, said Thea Junt, UTD sustainability manager, informed her that more cardboard was recycled during this year’s freshman move-in than any other day in UTD’s history.

Kayla Klein, Academic Affairs Committee chair and undecided sophomore, said the next Comet Textswap will be from 12-2 p.m. on Aug. 29 and 30 in the Phoenix room and the SOM Town Hall will be from 4-6 p.m. on Sept. 12 in the Executive Dining Hall.

Mechanical engineering freshman Saamer Mansoor was appointed to senate.

The next senate meeting will take place at 5:15 p.m. on Sept. 6 in one of the Galaxy Rooms.

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