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SG Report: October 17

Graphic by Matt Strack | Mercury Staff.





Editor’s Note: The SG Report is a recurring section that provides UTD community members with information about Student Government initiatives and items discussed at their weekly meetings held in the Galaxy rooms every Tuesday at 5:15 p.m.

In an effort to increase campus spirit, SG Vice President Joey Campain said they are in the process of installing Comet Creeds, a student oath reading “As a Comet I pledge honesty, integrity and service in all that I do” in 10 buildings around campus. The pledge will be hung in the buildings in the next few weeks.

Last year SG approved an initiative allowing students to rent hammocks to use in various locations around campus. Campain said they are now planning spots around campus where the posts for the hammocks can be placed. At the Oct. 4 meeting, he cited a total cost of $300 for six hammock posts. Currently the rules are only one person can be in a hammock and only one hammock can be placed on the posts at a time.

SG Senator Uttara Thiagarajan of the residential student affairs committee announced University Village is looking to incorporate the MyHousing online form for students’ work order submissions. Students living in the apartments currently call, email or drop by the UV leasing office. University Commons uses this application for residents living in the dorms. UV has used MyHousing for apartment sign-ups in previous years and estimates they will make the switch for work orders at the beginning of next semester.

SG President Akshitha Padigela said SG is working with the Sustainability Club to provide battery recycling bins to the residence halls. One bin will be placed in the lobby next to the trashcans in each residence hall. UTD currently provides this service in the academic buildings around campus, and this initiative extends these services to students’ living areas.





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