Radio UTD rocks the Internet

From a small room in the catacombs of the ECSN building, Radio UTD opened its first webcasting stream to the Internet world Feb. 1, 2003.

Since then the station, which can be heard at, has steadily increased listenership, staged its own outdoor concert and grown an impressive library of music from record companies to pump through the Ethernet cables. It is now in hopes of moving into a new home due to expansion in shows and DJs.

“We started out with 25 volunteer DJs and now there are 50, which allowed us to expand program hours,” said Radio UTD Adviser Jay Miller.

According to Miller, the average length of time a listener connects has doubled and the number of connections during program hours has tripled since the station’s launch.

The Student Fee Committee recently approved Radio UTD’s proposal to convert the arcade area located on the lower level of the Student Union into a radio webcasting station.

“Getting this studio means more exposure for radio and proves that we really serve a great purpose in student life,” said Radio UTD Music Director Andy Adcock.

The relocation will allow DJs to have more space and opportunities to enhance the station and student life.

“Due to this expansion, Radio UTD will be able to increase its visibility and add to the recreational atmosphere in the games area of the Student Union,” Miller said.

This spring, public service announcement director Geoff Barry formed the Radio UTD Street Team to help promote the radio station.

“Eight people will be doing remote events on campus and also radio will be having concerts during the semester,” Barry said.

On March 19, radio sponsored its first concert on campus. Dallas-area bands Spud, Mantra and By Starlight performed in the concert.

Recently, Radio UTD joined the College Music Journal, allowing the station to acquire more music and labels from record companies.

“I enjoy establishing radio with record labels outside of school since it enables me to get new music that DJs can play for students,” Adcock said.

Even though radio UTD continues to expand, there are no immediate plans to move from a webcast to broadcast operation.

“There is a long waiting list (with the Federal Communications Commission) to get on the airways, so we have been looking into different options. However, everyone is tied into their computers and therefore, is comfortable with the webcasting technology,” Miller said.

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