Meteor theater brings major films to campus

They’re bringing new, hip movies to viewers like you, at a location near you. It’s the movie theater on campus – the Meteor Theater.

The grand opening April 8-9 featured “The School of Rock.”

“We figured that college students go to movies anyway. What if we could get them to stay on campus and still see the same movie?” said Richard Voit, biology senior and co-founder of the Meteor Theater.

The idea was conceived by Michael Seeligson, undeclared junior and the other co-founde, after visiting Princeton University.

“This creates an opportunity for student life and gives students something they can rely on for weekend entertainment,” Seeligson said. “Ideally, after these three weekends the support from students will speak for itself.”

The Student Government Association (SGA) allocated $1,500 to help get the organization project rolling. The money will pay for movie licensing fees and advertising, Voit said.

“I think we were all convinced that the management of the Meteor Theater would be good stewards of the student’s money,” said SGA Vice President Sophie Rutenbar. She added the Meteor Theater promotes student involvement with the lack of cheap student-life activities on campus.

“We want to prove to SGA that the demand is there from the students, showing a movie every weekend is a feasible goal,” Voit said.

Fifty students attended the opening nights in McDermott Library Auditorium.

Although attendance didn’t meet to their expectations, the Meteor crew still has high hopes of a packed house.

The next movie will show April 22-23 and admission is $1.

For more information or to join the Meteor Theater, email

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