Letters to the Editor 07/19/04

<strong>New toilets keep UTD from flushing money away</strong>

I have never been this excited over a toilet before, but this one is worthy of recognition.

In the Multipurpose Building, I discovered newly installed, oddly-shaped bowls in the bathroom. Above the urinal is a metal plate inscribed with “Falcon Waterfree Technologies.”

Unnaturally curious to learn more, I looked at their website www.falconwaterfree.com. These toilets save an average 40,000 gallons of water a year each and thousands of dollars for the University in water and sewer fees.

What gets me most excited over this toilet is its leading example in how economics, innovation, environmental consideration and a public choice can make our world a cleaner and more sustainable for future generations and students, one flush at a time.

<em>-Chris Allnatt</em>

<em>Senior, Government and Politics</em>

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