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Gender Center Opens Closet For Major Life Transitions





The Galerstein Gender Center is now providing free, gently-used clothes, shoes and accessories to Comets in need.

According to the Gender Center’s website, The Life Transitions Closet is available to students and employees undergoing a life transition, “including gender transitions, loss or gain of employment, pregnancy or birth, and more.” The Closet’s opening is part of a semester-long goal to transform the Gender Center.

The Life Transitions Closet is located on the fourth floor of SSB of the Galerstein Gender Center and is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays. There is no limit on the number of items a person can take or the number of times they can visit the Closet.

The Galerstein Gender Center stocks the Closet through community donations and previously accepted donations of gently-used items on Mondays and Thursdays. However, new donations are on indefinite hold because of the large volume of donations received since its opening in October. The Gender Center cannot accept monetary donations, but those looking to support the Life Transitions Closet through other means can purchase an “I <3 UTD” t-shirt. Students and employees looking to visit can find more information on the Gender Center’s website,





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