Engineer Liu receives award

Jin Liu, an assistant professor of electrical engineering at UTD, was recently selected as one of the top 12 “New Faces of Engineering” as part of the 53rd annual National Engineers Week.

Liu, one of 57 nominees, was selected by the Chinese Institute of Engineers.

The upcoming event, sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and other affiliates, intends to promote engineering education among young people all around the world.

Profiles of the selected engineers will appear in USA Today and several international publications.

“I am very happy that I was one of the New (Faces),” Liu said. “The ads in USA Today will really serve to let people know about engineering.”

Liu came to UTD in 1998 and now teaches undergraduate and graduate engineering students. She specializes in circuit design and sensors as well as analog signal transmission for communications.

Many of Liu’s students now work in high-tech companies like Texas Instruments (TI). She also works for TI during the summer to coordinate her research with their technical demands and progress.

Liu’s research helps develop faster networked computers. Her work also deals with the microelectronics of satellites. She is currently working with Roderick Heelis, UTD physics department chair, to design satellites that will study atmospheric particles.

“I try to help out with the chips required that allow satellites to function and design them in ways that will be less expensive and will use up less energy,” Liu said.

Liu said that UTD was the right place for her because the industries that surround it increased the potential for her research.

“Electrical engineering is a great profession to go into,” Liu said. “I am very honored to represent UTD and promote its reputation.”

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