Date Rape Awareness Week slated

Speaking from the perspective of a male rape victim, UNT senior Jerod Benjamin will add a new dimension to Date Rape Awareness Week hosted by Health Education and Peer Health Educators Aug. 30-Sept. 3.

Benjamin serves as coordinator of UNT’s Men Against Violence. His speech, entitled “Every Two Seconds,” will be the latest addition to UTD’s yearly Date Rape Awareness Week, according to Kristi Westmoreland, Health Education coordinator.

His invitation reflects the desire to confront assumptions and stigmas related to date rape and highlight cultural beliefs that lead to rape, according to Westmoreland.

“It’s so important and so good to have this added perspective,” Westmoreland said. “Rape’s not an act of sex. It’s an act of violence, and it’s not just directed towards women or gay men.”

Benjamin said his presentation will be interactive and students are encouraged to ask questions as part of the discussion.

Other planned events include an informational awareness booth, panel discussion, self-defense class and the Clothesline Project.

More information about Awareness Week and the Health Center are on-line at

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