Comet Comments: what did you think about the eclipse?

Maybe 3 of the 4 minutes of the totality were obscured by clouds unfortunately, but it heightened the tension. Everyone lost their minds when the clouds actually moved out of the way.

Josh Manigsaca, Animation and Games ATEC

I was at the science building courtyard and we all laid on the grass, my friends and I, it was really fun … The atmosphere of everyone watching it together … was really cool.

Kayla Bui, Speech, Language, and Hearing junior

It was honestly a lot more intense than I expected. I was bit scared because of the cloud coverage. It was a lot better to experience it in person than to see it on TV. It was a surprisingly good place to meet new people.

Abullah Janabi, Physics freshman

I almost missed [the eclipse] because I was getting Panda Express. I just think it’s cool that we got to witness an event … and it happened to be right over campus, so that was a real eye-opening experience.

Micah Robles, Biology junior

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