Campus Voices

The <em>Mercury</em> asks, “What will you do to commemorate the third anniversary of the September 11th attacks?”

“The UTD Police Department is planning to start the Community Emergency Response Team Sept. 11th, and I’ve signed up for it.”

<strong>-Dinesh Balasubramaniam, Electrical Engineering, Graduate</strong>

“I will attend a prayer session and probably wear something in remembrance of the events.”

<strong>-Julia O’Kelly, Undeclared, Sophomore</strong>

“Nothing really. It’s time to move toward the future.”

<strong>-Desmond Blair, Arts & Technology, Sophomore</strong>

“Take a moment to remember the people who passed.”

<strong>-Brandon Micek, Business, Junior</strong>

“I plan on throwing a celebration in remembrance.”

<strong>-Gabriel Ranit, Arts & Technology, Junior</strong>

“I will be taking a long extended nap.”

<strong>-Josh Carter, Business, Junior</strong>

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