Kappa Sigma staked its claim as the best volleyball-playing organization, winning three intramural titles. Waterview Building 53 outlasted the other first-year competition to...
A year ago, UTD’s advanced accent reduction class began assisting international students in gaining acceptance into American society by helping them better interact...
Kicking off the new semester, Quickie Break devoted one of its first sessions to the celebration of Lunar New Year. Offering informative facts,...
Increased participation in UTD intramurals has proven to be both a blessing and a curse as several recent tournaments have been rescheduled to...
UTD’s latest art exhibit offering proves clothes really do make the woman – or at least make up an important extension of her....
As I prepare to embark on a journey into the unknown, my semester abroad to Germany and Western Europe, I can’t decide whether...
Would you enjoy swimming on the beaches in the Mediterranean and strolling through the halls of the ancient university of Barcelona? Does a...
Mercury Editorial Editor’s Note: Following is an editorial of The Mercury’s editorial board. The Editorial Board consists of the newspaper’s management team (editor-in-chief,...
“Summer Vacation” to start in February Directed by award-winning artistic director Terry Martin, “Betty’s Summer Vacation” will make its regional premiere at UTD...
PHEDs focus on inner beauty Health Education and the Peer Health Educators (PHEDs) will sponsor Body Beautiful Week – to increase eating disorder...