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Comets complete California circuit

The UTD softball team spent its spring break touring California, but they weren’t hopping from beach to beach. Instead, they hopped from diamond...


McDermott Scholars program announces 2004 class

A new class of McDermott Scholars has just been selected, bringing a new crop from five different states to join their diverse counterparts...


The evolution of an individual

Two and a half years ago, a very different person entered The Mercury newsroom than the one now leaving. As I make my...


Women net first conference win

The UTD women’s tennis team picked up its first American Southwest Conference (ASC) East division victory of the year, overpowering LeTourneau, 9-0. The...


Library partnership helps Brownsville

As the McDermott Library undertakes its spring cleaning this year, several university libraries will be reaping some recycled rewards through an exchange program...


Butterfield, players win conference awards

Winning isn’t everything, but it sure helps. After transforming the UTD men’s basketball team from a seven-win squad a year ago to conference...


UTD professors weigh in on Madrid train bombings

Shockwaves from Spain were felt by professors and students at UTD after the tragedy two weeks ago. Three days before Spanish elections, 10...


Mostly Duos lives up to expectations as another eclectic campus treat

Mostly Duos featured the collaborative efforts of accomplished musicians Arkady Fomin, Barbara Thiem and David Korevaar, who performed an eclectic blend of classical...


Library must keep dissertations for posterity’s sake

Editor’s Note: Following is an editorial of The Mercury’s editorial board. The Editorial Board consists of the newspaper’s management team (editor-in-chief, managing editor,...


My two cents

Sporting notes compiled while wondering if milkweed would grow in a Butterfield. With three straight wins to end the season, men’s basketball storms...


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The Mercury

The Mercury publishes news, opinion and feature articles of interest and importance to the UT Dallas campus and community, with primary emphasis on news that most directly and immediately concerns students.